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Compatible to Axure v9, 8, 7.5

A widgets library is more than a set of widgets. They make your work more easy and automatic. Make your own unique prototyping “signature”.


All the widgets are arranged into folders to help you navigate the widget library. In addition, every widget has a unique icon.

Unique widgets set

All these widgets were made to make your work easy. Each one of them was tested extensively and upgraded many times. They are powerful and can help you with prototyping.

Free icons

The library contains a set of free icons. The icons are arranged according to popularity, with the most popular on top and the most extraordinary at the bottom.


to v1.5


– new, awesome icon set;
– fixed bug indrop-downlist;
– addeda new principleof hintsby using the propertiesof the text fieldHint;
– bugs fixed;