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Forms Lite

Compatible to Axure v9, 8, 7.5

The Axure Forms Lite template is very useful for designers who often have to create contact, comment, feedback, and checkout forms. In this product, you will find part of the forms you need. Don’t forget to check full version.

Forms for every day

The Forms template and library do not contain widgets you will never use. All the forms included are designed for everyday use. The contact, login, checkout, and comment forms will all help with your daily work. Take a look at the demo to see if this Axure template/widget library will be helpful to you.

Easy to customize

Almost all forms are made to look and work like pop-ups. However, you can remove the “Close” icon and make few changes to interactions to get a static form. In addition, every element in this Axure template/widget library is designed in such a way that you can easily rebuild it for 960-pixel resolution or make a form slimmer.

Bootstrap 3 Grid

For the Forms Lite template, we used the Bootstrap grid system, which uses 960 pixels and is one of the most popular and trendy grids. We believe this will help you create prototypes that comfortably mesh with the next development steps in your project.