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iPhone X Lite

Compatible to Axure v9, 8, 7.5

iPhone X – this is the most large and useful Axure Widget Library for iPhone X prototyping at this time. It contains 12 categories and 120 unique pre-made screen. Each widget is fully customizable and easy to change. This Lite version contain much less elements, but we hope that they will be helpful for you!

12 categories

24 screens

Save up to 5h

12 categories and 24 unique pre-made widgets

iPhone X is the most full and massive product for iPhone X Axure RP prototypes. It contains tons of great elements which will save your time and money.

Easy to use – you don’t need to be guru to use it

You don’t need to be an Axure guru to use iPhone X, all elements are made with basic Axure widgets, so you can easily play with them as you want to.

Stick to guides – create your apps prototypes in a right way

You can be sure that all elements was made with iOS 11 Design Guides. All needed elements in your Widget Library Panel – just drag & drop them.

Fully customizable – change any element if you wish

That’s right, this is not just pretty images, you can easily change sizes, colors and other details of Control widgets.

Axure RP 7 and 8+ compatible

No matter if you still use v7 or already work with v8+ – iPhone X is what you need. We have prepared a product for both Axure’s versions, so you can use them without any problems.